walks with us all the way from the very first moment till the very end of our lives. Without it, nothing happens. It cannot be returned or exchanged. It is worth it to take care of it. Especially since the care tends to also feel delicious.
Whether you need to wind down, be pampered, recharge - relief from pain, tension, stress, fatigue - find freedom of movement, flexibility, balance - use your body’s resources more effectively - bring awareness into the body and listen to the wisdom it carries - we will find the right delicacy just for you.
I love listening to people’s stories, in words or as reflected in the bodies of their owners. I rejoice when people leave with what they came for, without what they came to let go of, or with something they had no idea they could find.

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2014-2015 Rolfing® (Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, USA, South African Rolfing Association)
2013 Pelvic Floor School Instructor Training (Renata Skálová)
2011-2014 Art of Being® Body Heart and Soul Training (interpreting)
2009-2010 Reichian Bioenergetic Analysis and Bodywork Training (John Hawken)
2007-2011 Working with Sexuality; Sacred Body, Passionate Spirit Trainings by John Hawken (interpreting and assisting)
2007-2009 Woman’s Power Tantra Training (Viramano Wermund)
2007-2008 Sacred Body, Passionate Spirit Tantra Training (John Hawken)
2007 Sports and regeneration Massage Requalification Course (Centre for Regeneration Education)
2006-2009 Shiatsu (Darja Shiatsu School – without certification)
2006 Dorn Method (Zuzana Lehrmann-Prouzová)
2004-2006 Reiki (Marcela Vujčičová)
2004 Thai Massage (Robert Pleskot & Michaela Mazáčová)STORY
The person’s story usually features in this website section. Here are some fragments that have shaped my work: I spent my childhood in intimate contact with illness and death and thus found patience, courage and peace facing extreme situations and emotions. My studies of translation studies, political science and gender studies brought me broad perspective, critical thinking and the art of asking questions. Interpreting, my long time job (which also makes working in English completely natural), opens one to humility and hearing what is said as well as what is hidden between the lines. My curiosity and desire to savour life to the fullest have often taken me far beyond the ordinary – from strenuous glacier treks and weeks-long fasts, through improvised physical theatre, human rights activism, to intense work with shamanic teacher plants. Thanks to all this, I often view life from unusual angles and so my clients can sometimes see their issues and themes in a completely different light as well. I have the deepest respect for the unique path of each being.
Quality of presence and touch are the corner stones of my work. A space of safety, openness, respect and acceptance. With sense of humour, humility, softness as well as intensity.
Bodies understand lived experience better than words and concepts. Besides ongoing studies, I learn the most with/from my own body. Contact improvisation is my “home”. Here, I explore all body’s qualities and layers; how it relates to gravity, space, others. Taiji, yoga and Zen meditation teach me about being in stillness and listening to the wisdom within.
I like to do things properly. Sometimes I’d rather immerse myself ever deeper into the mysteries of one single method. As new themes and questions emerge, however, I always embark on new learning adventures and explorations with gratitude and enthusiasm. And then I see that the broad palette of possibilities allows me to accompany my clients on their journeys more faithfully.
1800 Kč
per session
session length approx. 1,5 hour
1800 Kč
per session
session length approx. 2 hours
1800 Kč
per session
session length approx. 1,5 hour
If you are in a demanding financial situation, do let me know. We can try and find a way for you to receive the care you need.

If you need to cancel or move a session, please let me know at least 24 hours ahead.
After that, the session needs to be paid unless I or you find another client to fill your slot.
Copyright 2015 Tereza Kodíčková